See What’s New in the YOOBIC Winter Release

Feb 24, 2023 1:50:52 PM

What's new

2022 was a fantastic year for the YOOBIC development team, with functionality like Communities, Quick Tasks, and the YOOBIC ONE Score Dashboard launching to all our users with great success. We’re pleased to let you know, the team shows no signs of slowing down innovation this year. 

Our first release of 2023 is jam-packed full of new features and improvements as we continue to cement ourselves at the #1 Frontline Employee Experience Platform. The main focus of this release is user experience. The team always strives to make the YOOBIC app very intuitive and easy to use. They listened to feedback from our users and made improvements to existing features across the platform — not to mention throwing in plenty of new functionality to keep our users engaged and successful! 

We also launched a new Beta Program for clients as part of our learning toolset. But shhhhh, we can’t tell you about that just yet. 🤫🤭😁

Here are just a few of the highlights from our latest release. Enjoy!


Biometric Login is here

When you are on the go, in a store or a restaurant, the last thing you want to deal with is a forgotten password. With the latest update you can log in to YOOBIC using your face, fingerprint, or eyes — making it faster than ever to access the app — without compromising security. No need to remember that pesky password or waste time trying to reset it! 

With the majority of our users being on the frontline and using a mobile device, this update just makes sense. We want to make it as frictionless as possible for our users to login, access their information, see what they need to do, and engage with their team. After all, we aim to free up time so they can focus on the customers. 


Get your app set up right — from day one

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It’s really annoying when you’re trying to do something on an app, only to have to leave the app to update your device settings. 

Now, users can get their device set up right from day one. We’ve introduced a login flow for new users that guides them through the process to make sure they’ve created their profile and got their device set up correctly. 

Users will be asked to add their photo so they can see which of their colleagues tagged them on the Newsfeed or mentioned them in a Community. They’ll also have the option to set up their Biometric Login and enable notifications, Geolocation, and Offline Mode. Then they’re ready to go!


It’s never been easier to track user engagement & activity

With any app, it’s important to keep track of users, making sure they’re adopting the tool and are engaged. We could track this information on YOOBIC, but didn’t have a single view that bought all this data together.


In this release we launched the new and improved User Activity Dashboard, that brings together all the key information our clients need to track usage across the platform, measure the impact of adoption initiatives and mobilize their teams. 


Mention your colleagues & connect with your team

tagging-colleagues-1Building a culture of collaboration and teamwork is important, especially when your colleagues are spread across different locations, regions, and timezones. It’s crucial for frontline teams to be able to easily connect with colleagues, whether they’re looking for help, or praising them for a job well done.

Users could already tag their colleagues across the whole YOOBIC app, but our goal is always to make the user experience more intuitive! We took design inspiration from the top social media platforms to make mentioning a teammate as familiar and intuitive as possible! 


Upgrade your activity planning & workload management

Frontline teams receive actions and initiatives from departments across their organization. It can be difficult to have visibility into where initiatives are coming from and how those initiatives will affect workloads. To combat this, we’ve added a new view to YOOBIC where Admins and Operations Managers can track and plan their teams' workload. 

We’ve also made it easier for frontline teams to see their activities and manage their workload from within the calendar feature. And the best part is, all of these updates are just a snapshot of the functionality that was added as part of our winter release.


YOOBIC is the #1 Frontline Employee Experience Platform (FEXP) and we are on a mission to transform the future of work for retail, restaurants, and hospitality. Our app brings together communication, microlearning, and task management in a fun and unique way to empower employee success, a culture of connection and community, and helps create a center for operational excellence. After all, if you fix your employee experience, you’ll fix your customer experience.

If you’d like to find out more about what our platform can do for your organization, why not schedule a time to talk to a specialist.