YOOBIC recognized as sample vendor in Gartner 2023 Hype Cycle Reports

YOOBIC Recognized as a Sample Vendor in Five Gartner® 2023 Hype Cycle™ Reports

Aug 14, 2023 3:55:31 PM

News & Trends

YOOBIC, an all-in-one frontline employee experience platform (FEXP), is honored to be included as a sample vendor in five Gartner® Hype Cycle™ 2023 reports.

Those reports include: 

  • Hype Cycle™ for Frontline Worker Technologies, 2023
  • Hype Cycle™ for Digital Workplace Applications, 2023
  • Hype Cycle™ for Workforce Transformation, 2023
  • Hype Cycle™ for HR Technology, 2023
  • Hype Cycle™ for Hybrid Work, 2023

Navigating the world of emerging technologies can be challenging, especially when trying to discern genuine potential from mere buzz.

Gartner's Hype Cycles are designed to help leaders understand the maturity, adoption, and real-world applicability of new technologies.

Before we jump into details of the five Hype Cycle™ 2023 reports that include YOOBIC as a sample vendor, here’s a quick overview of what a Gartner Hype Cycle™ is, and how frontline workforce leaders can use them. 


What is a Gartner® Hype Cycle™ and who cares?

A Hype Cycle™ is a graphical representation created by Gartner that showcases the evolution of a technology or application over time. 

It offers insights into when and how to invest in emerging technologies, keeping your specific business objectives in mind.

According to Gartner, a Hype Cycle™ can help decision makers:

  • Distinguish between genuine technological advancements and mere market hype

  • Make informed investment decisions, reducing risks

  • Align your understanding of a technology's value with expert insights, ensuring that your teams are always equipped with the best tools to excel

Some Hype Cycle™ research is made available to the public for free, but most is reserved for paying Gartner clients. Speak with a Gartner specialist to learn how you can access this research.


How Can Frontline Workforce Leaders use a Gartner® Hype Cycle™?

Frontline workforce leaders are at the heart of operational efficiency and customer experience.

The Hype Cycle™ can be a roadmap for frontline leaders to navigate the ever-evolving technological landscape, ensuring that investments drive tangible value for the business and its customers.

So what does that look like in action? 

  • Early Adoption: If you're open to taking risks and believe in the potential of a new technology, the Hype Cycle™ can guide you on when to make an early move. This could lead to competitive advantages, though it's essential to understand that early investments come with uncertainties.

  • Moderate Approach: If you prefer a balanced strategy, the Hype Cycle™ can help you weigh the pros and cons. It aids in conducting a thorough cost/benefit analysis, especially when the technology is still in its nascent stages.

  • Wait and Watch: If you're cautious and prefer to invest in well-established technologies, the Hype Cycle™ can indicate when a technology has matured and proven its commercial viability.


Why would YOOBIC be mentioned in a Gartner® Hype Cycle™?

Our frontline employee experience mobile app gives business leaders and frontline teams the performance tools they need to communicate, learn, and work — all in one place. 

With streamlined communications, mobile learning, and digitized task management, YOOBIC drives operational excellence while drastically improving the frontline employee working experience. 

Inclusion as a sample technology vendor in Gartner Hype Cycle™ 2023 reports could be due to several reasons:

  • Innovation and Relevance: Being on the Hype Cycle™ indicates that the technology or solution is seen as potentially transformative or disruptive. YOOBIC offers innovative solutions and features that are relevant to the current market needs. 

  • Market Presence: YOOBIC has gained significant traction in the global market, with a growing number of organizations adopting our platform.

  • Alignment with Emerging Trends: The frontline employee experience is an area of growing importance, especially in the post-pandemic world where remote work, digital transformation, and employee well-being have taken center stage.

  • Feedback from Gartner Clients: Feedback or inquires from Gartner clients about a specific technology may lead to its inclusion as a sample vendor in a Hype Cycle™ report. 

  • Potential to Move Through the Hype Cycle™: Gartner might see potential in certain technologies to move through the different stages of the Hype Cycle™.

  • Comprehensive Solution: YOOBIC's all-in-one approach is a comprehensive solution that addresses multiple challenges faced by organizations, making it a notable vendor in the space.

  • Expert Analysis: Gartner analysts might have conducted in-depth research and analysis on YOOBIC's offerings, capabilities, and market positioning, leading to its inclusion in the report.


There is no confirmation by Gartner that YOOBIC was included for any of these reasons.

It's worth noting that being a sample vendor in the Hype Cycle™ doesn't necessarily mean endorsement by Gartner. It's more of an indication that the vendor is relevant in the context of the specific technology or trend being discussed in the report.

In fact, here's a disclaimer straight from Gartner: Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product, or service depicted in its research publications and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings or other designation.

Okay! Now, let’s discuss the five Hype Cycle™ 2023 reports that name YOOBIC’s all-in-one frontline employee experience platform as a sample vendor. 


Gartner® Hype Cycle™ for Frontline Worker Technologies, 2023

The Gartner Hype Cycle™ for Frontline Worker Technologies provides insights into the evolving technological landscape tailored for frontline workers.

Frontline workers constitute a significant portion of the global workforce, estimated at around 2.8 billion, which is approximately 80% of all workers. These workers can be segmented into:

  • Service workers: Those who primarily engage in client-facing activities, representing the "face" of an organization. Examples include delivery drivers, retail store associates, and nurses.

  • Task workers: Those who mainly perform operational activities, representing the "heart" of an organization. Examples include warehouse associates and equipment operators in manufacturing plants.

This Hype Cycle™ emphasizes the growing demand for modernized workflows and enhanced connectivity to engage these workers more effectively — thereby improving safety, retention, performance, and optimizing processes.

It also underscores the challenges many organizations face in retaining and recruiting frontline workers, especially in regions where a large number of workers are nearing retirement.

For leaders of frontline workforces, it's crucial to understand the evolving technological landscape and how tools like YOOBIC can be leveraged to address challenges related to onboarding, retention, and recruitment.

By adopting and integrating these technologies, organizations can enhance the experience, safety, and productivity of their frontline teams, ensuring they remain competitive and efficient in today's fast-paced business environment.


Gartner® Hype Cycle™ for Digital Workplace Applications, 2023

In 2023, the digital workplace landscape is undergoing significant changes. The Gartner Hype Cycle™ for Digital Workplace Applications highlights some key areas of transformation:

  • Hybrid Work: The shift to hybrid work models is a major trend, emphasizing the importance of tools and services that support both remote and in-office work.

  • Digital Employee Experience: There's a strong focus on enhancing the digital employee experience. This involves using technology to empower, connect, and augment workers, ultimately aiming to boost employee engagement. Notably, the appetite for change among employees has decreased, with only 38% in 2022 willing to support organizational change, a drop from 74% in 2016.

  • Generative AI (GenAI): The next 24 months will see the integration of GenAI technologies into most digital workplace applications. This innovation is expected to revolutionize how employees interact with their digital tools, making tasks more intuitive and efficient.

  • Digital Dexterity: The Hype Cycle™ emphasizes the importance of elevating the digital dexterity of the workforce. This involves rapid tool innovation and providing opportunities for workers to acquire digital skills, enabling them to work in newer, more effective ways.


In this Hype Cycle™, YOOBIC is listed as a sample vendor in the context of digital work hubs.

Digital work hubs are collections of team productivity and collaboration applications tailored for diverse employee needs. These hubs can be enhanced with services related to development, automation, AI, and analytics.

For frontline workforce leaders, digital transformation isn't just about technology; it's about enhancing the work experience for your teams.

Tools and platforms like YOOBIC can play a pivotal role in this transformation, ensuring that your frontline workers are equipped with the best resources to perform their roles efficiently in a deskless work environment. 

Embracing these changes and innovations will not only improve operational efficiency but also boost employee morale and engagement.


Gartner® Hype Cycle™ for Workforce Transformation, 2023

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, organizations are under immense pressure to modify their workforce to meet new strategic and operational talent requirements. 

The Hype Cycle™ for Workforce Transformation serves as a pivotal tool for these leaders, offering insights into workforce planning and strategy.

It distinguishes genuine transformative innovations from mere trends, enabling leaders to make informed decisions about talent transformation. 

This report emphasizes innovations that can optimize and transform workforce capabilities, guiding leaders on the potential business and talent impacts of various workforce transformation tools and strategies.

In the context of frontline workforces, the report mentions YOOBIC as a sample vendor in the realm of enhancing the digital employee experience.

YOOBIC, among other vendors, is highlighted for its potential to improve the digital interface and engagement for frontline workers. 

This inclusion underscores the importance of digital tools in enhancing the experience of frontline workers, ensuring they remain connected, informed, and engaged in their roles. 

For leaders of frontline workforces, understanding and leveraging such tools can be pivotal in driving efficiency, productivity, and overall workforce satisfaction.


Gartner® Hype Cycle™ for HR Technology, 2023

By 2025, it's projected that 60% of enterprise organizations will adopt a responsible AI framework for their HR technology, fostering enhanced employee experience and trust within the organization.

The primary goal of the Hype Cycle™ for HR Technology is to help HR professionals discern and prioritize investments that can enhance flexibility, resilience, and overall employee experience in their organizations.

For leaders overseeing frontline workforces — a segment that's often overlooked in technology initiatives — this report holds particular significance. 

One of the standout categories in the report is Frontline Worker EXTech

This category emphasizes delivering a unique employee experience to frontline workers by amalgamating a suite of applications that foster engagement and community.

These tools range from administrative support to well-being and personal development processes, primarily designed for mobile devices.

YOOBIC has been included as a sample vendor in this Frontline Worker EXTech category, underscoring our platform's pivotal role in offering solutions that not only streamline operations — but also boost staff morale, engagement, and retention.

Investing in such technologies can be a game-changer, ensuring that frontline workers feel valued, supported, and equipped with the right tools to excel in their roles.


Gartner® Hype Cycle™ for Hybrid Work, 2023

The Gartner Hype Cycle™ for Hybrid Work offers a strategic overview of the evolving landscape of work models that blend remote and on-site environments.

It emphasizes the significance of integrating technology and practices to enhance workforce flexibility, productivity, and engagement in this new era of work.

YOOBIC is prominently featured as a sample vendor in two key categories: Digital employee experience (DEX) tools and Employee Communications Applications (ECAs).

  • Digital employee experience (DEX) tools: These tools are essential for measuring and enhancing how employees interact with company-provided technology. Given the increasing reliance on digital tools, especially for frontline workers, YOOBIC's inclusion here underscores its role in optimizing the digital experiences of these crucial employees.

  • Employee Communications Applications (ECAs): ECAs are pivotal for managing and improving internal communications. For frontline leaders, this means ensuring that your teams are always informed, aligned, and engaged. YOOBIC's presence in this category indicates its capability to streamline communications, making it easier for frontline workers to stay updated, provide feedback, and engage with the broader organizational goals.


For leaders overseeing frontline workforces, this report highlights the importance of adopting tools and strategies that not only enhance the digital experience but also foster effective communication. 

YOOBIC's inclusion in these categories showcases its potential as a solution tailored to the unique needs and challenges faced by frontline teams.

Gartner has made the Hype Cycle™ for Hybrid Work, 2023 available to read for free. Take a look for deeper insights! 


The future of frontline workforce excellence is guided by innovative technology solutions like YOOBIC

With our industry-first FEXP and an expanding suite of powerful AI tools, YOOBIC is transforming workforce management into a conduit for enhanced operational efficiency, heightened customer satisfaction, and sustainable profitability over time.


Want to see YOOBIC in action? Request a demo.