Webinar Recap: How to Effectively Train and Motivate Frontline Employees

Written by Lauren Savill | 26 August 2021

Last week we were honoured to have bestselling author and one of the Top 100 Most Influential People in Retail 2021, Ron Thurston, host our webinar: ‘How to Effectively Train and Motivate Frontline Employees’. 

Ron’s bestselling book, ‘Retail Pride’, promotes the mantra that training inspires frontline employees to take pride in their career. As YOOBIC’s primary mission is to empower frontline teams, Ron was the natural choice to join forces with us for this event.

We were also delighted to be joined by:


Training can make or break a business, so we asked our panellists what role frontline employee knowledge plays within their company

Customers need a good reason to come all the way into a store instead of shopping online. When they approach a store employee, they are looking for technical product knowledge and a personalized, empowering experience, so teams need to be confident that they understand what customers need and how to give them the best service. All of this is achieved through high quality training.

“Everything we do is done through our people. The backbone of BurgerFi is having highly motivated and energetic team members, so we have to take care of them to be able to take care of guests and take pride in what they do. We can’t do this without training.” 

Kevin Cooper


Each of our panellists explained the obstacles which had previously prevented them from making training as effective as it could be

Outdated LMSs that didn't give visibility into training progress and using "old school" training formats like in-store visits from trainers were a few of the main challenges the panelists experienced. It was difficult to push this sort of training out at scale and gain clear insights into who had completed training and what was happening in the stores and restaurants in real-time.

“Retail and hospitality businesses need to be as streamlined as possible, which is especially important to provide a strong onboarding and keep everyone engaged.”

Paula Angelucci

Using paper, email or classroom-style training made training fragmented and time-consuming.


All of the panellists have redefined and improved frontline employee training with a mobile microlearning app

Each of the panellists has found that using YOOBIC, a mobile microlearning app, has fuelled team excitement around training and made learning accessible for employees on the job. Employee engagement has boomed, and managers are finding that store teams are constantly wanting to complete more courses to score more points and compete with their co-workers.

“As we’ve rolled out more courses on the platform, we’ve rocketed from 30% engagement to 78% engagement which is amazing! “

Ruhshana Parker

YOOBIC has also improved visibility into the effects of training.

“Previously, we weren’t able to simply pull up a report on a training course and see who took it, when and how they scored. Now, I can do that in real-time from my phone. In the last 90 days alone, over 900 users have been added to our learning platform and 33,000 lessons have been completed.”

Kevin Cooper

To learn more about how YOOBIC enables businesses to level up frontline employee training and achieve these results, watch the full webinar here!